About Us

Purpose Statement:

DC Audubon with members of the Hillcrest Community Center in SE Washington, DC.

DC Bird Alliance with members of the Hillcrest Community Center in SE Washington, DC.

Build people-powered, bird-friendly communities in all eight wards of the District of Columbia.

What is a bird-friendly community?

This deeply reflects our principles as an organization. A bird-friendly community in D.C. is everywhere people thrive and birds prosper. However, due to historic environmental injustice to mostly Black, Brown, and poor people, the distribution of those benefits are not meaningfully equal.

We strive to create more bird-friendly communities by prioritizing our conservation projects, birding resources, and partnerships that make the most impact and lead to meaningful differences for the people and places that need it most in all eight wards.

Who We Are:

Empowered by our 2,800 members and our shared love of birds and people in D.C., our board of directors strives to be a dynamic team of dedicated volunteers committed to meaningful conservation projects, education, and advocacy that lead to meaningful differences for people and birds.

On our board and in our membership, we represent a broad diversity of birding backgrounds and interests. Our collective network makes us a reliable source for birding and connecting birds with people in all eight wards of the District.

Everyone is invited to volunteer to help the organization, but only dues-paying members can be elected to the board and attend board meetings.

What our Work Will Do:

Every resident in the district will feel the meaningful benefits of bird conservation through our education and advocacy with their families, neighborhoods, and communities in all eight wards.

DC Bird Alliance is the official chapter of the National Audubon Society in Washington, D.C.

Please join us in one of our events or drop in on a board meeting.


The Wood Thrush, like the one in DC Bird Alliance’s logo, is the District of Columbia’s official bird. It was approved on January 31, 1967.

Do you want to learn how the Wood Thrush became DC’s official bird? Read Steve Dryden’s (Former Board Member) article on Bay Journal.